Dog and Puppy Training Classes
Puppy Training
My Puppy Classes are for puppies up to 6 months of age. Classes are run in 4 week blocks, and are designed for young dogs, to have fun and learn at the same time.
They will learn skills they will use in everyday life and be enriched through learning.
Through learning you will build a stronger bond with your pup and start to understand how they learn. We will cover:
Settle. Sit. Down
Confidence Building. Recall. Loose lead
This is a great set of classes to get you and your puppy on road to training and setting them up for a great future. Using positive training and games you will have a great time learning with your puppy and have fun along the way.
Workshop Price £80
Progression Classes
These classes are for all dogs needing help with training. They are run on Saturday mornings.
These sessions are for any dog over 6 months. We work on progressing their training and taking them to next levels. All dogs work at their own pace so there is no restrictions on anyone. My classes are for you and your dog to have fun whilst training at the same time. Using positive training and games your dog will love spending time with you, and your bond will become stronger.
Price £20 per session and are Pay As You Go

Loose Lead Workshop
Covering one of the most important behaviours that most people struggle with, The Loose Lead workshop teaches you and your dogs how to have awesome loose lead skills. This is a great workshop to get you started on your new walking journey. We cover the what, why and how of Loose Lead.
We train your dog to walk at your speed and so have a more pleasurable walking experience for you both. Time investment is so important with training, so be ready for lots of practicing.
You will also be building a stronger bond with your dog. I will be available for questions and any issues in between the classes by text, email or telephone.
If you would like to be able to walk your dog on loose lead, then this is the workshop for you.
Workshops are 90 minutes.
I run these workshops as one off so keep and eye on my Face book page for the next date.